
Remember when I said I was cast in a film called Paintball but didn’t know anything about it? Well I know all about it now. Here are the relevant bits.

Spanish production company Filmax to shoot this horror/thriller in English here in Barcelona from May 20 through June 20. I have three days of shooting. Paintball. Murder. Mystery. Shaky cam. Lots of blood.

There are five lead roles. I am not one of them. My character’s name, as previously mentioned, is Player 2. This turns out to be a much more interesting part than Player 1, so that’s cool. And I do have lines! Five very emotional, aggressive, adrenaline-riddled mini-speeches where a few of the lead characters have to literally pin me down to stop me from going totally ballistic. That’s very cool. Oh, and did I mention that I only speak Polish? WHAT?!?! Yeah, I only learned this fairly important bit of information last week. Talk about a challenge.

I received the script last week but it was all in English. I just received my lines translated into Polish today. My first day of shooting is this Thursday. That doesn’t leave a lot of time to perfect my Polish accent or memorize my lines. Here is the first of my five lines:

Zwariowalas? Co ty kurwa zrobilas? Zabilas ja! Przeciez to tylko gra! Ja pierdole! Ona naprawde nie zyje! Co ci strzelilo do glowy? Wiesz co teraz bedzie?

The other four lines look fairly similar (to this untrained eye, at least). Luckily, I met with my very good friend Basia today and she was kind enough to give me a crash course in Polish for about 20 minutes so I should be fine. I hope.

By the way, the five main characters are all supposed to be American. Four of them are played by British actors. The fifth is Spanish. Go figure.

8 thoughts on “Zwariowalas

  1. Congrats on having your blog as the #1 listing on Google for Zwariowalas!!!
    Good job
    So what is Zwariowalas
    Thank God for cut & paste

  2. Thank you, Basia. For everything!

    Apparently, ‘popierdolila cie’ is one of the worst things you can say in Polish. I asked a Polish coworker here in marketing and they actually blushed. Rough translation: “You f@cking c@nt!”

  3. @Amanda – how great would that be if, in the middle of a tense bloodbath in the forest, I did crow a la Emily and it made its way to the blooper reel? That would be awesome!

  4. Well i just have seen that movie and i googled for your person just to check if you r rlly Polish or you just had that to learn that for movie, well you have Polish surname maybe thats why you played it so good that i thought u rlly comes from Pl, good luck in next roles 😉

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words and support, Kamil! It really means a lot to me. 🙂

      And yes, my family is from Polish origins, but my grandparents were born in the US, so we didn’t get to learn how to speak Polish. Just enough to say “Thank you for the Christmas presents, Grandma!” (Dziękuję, babcia!). Our surname was actually different when the family lived in Poland. I believe it was Zambrzycki – or something like that. They “simplified” it when they moved to America.

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